Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bednar Family

I have known Tyler and Chelsey for a few years, now. I first met them when they were looking for a wedding photographer in ....yikes!!....2008???!!
I always have a few key things that I remember about a wedding that I have shot. The two that stand out with Chelsey and Tyler is how flippin' HOT it was that day ( i think it was 40 degrees!!) and how big the wedding party was. Seven on each side!! Everyone was so great, though, I mean 40 degrees in tuxes and dresses??!! They were super troopers!!
Since then, Chelsey and Tyler have expanded their little family from two to four! They now have two beautiful girls named Madisyn and Jordyn. We had to do this shoot on the wonderful day of Christmas Eve, due to Tyler working out of town. Chelsey's Dad, so kindly lent us the use of his beautiful home with the most breathtaking view!!! He also is a huge Oiler's fan and one of the pictures below was taken just for him.

This family is so special to me. They always make me feel so welcome and loved!! Thanks Bednar Family!

Here is Madisyn!!

And baby Jordyn..


The amazing Bednar family!

Oh my!! This gives me the giggles!

Thanks again, Bednar family! You always make me smile.