Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jamie and Dan

Jamie and I have known each other for a really, really long time. I think she was 5 and I was 9??? See...we have known each other for so long I actually have no idea how old we were when we first met!! How about I tell you the things I know for sure. That might make this more interesting.
My dad and Jamie's mom (Colleen) became friends at work. In fact, my dad told my mom that her and Colleen would get along really well...and boy have they!! Colleen was a single parent at the time and ended up moving close to us. Colleen would pick my dad up on their way to work and drop Jamie off, so she could catch the bus with us. We, with my older brother Craig, would all walk to the bus stop together and then Jamie would hang out with us after school until her mom dropped my dad off. On weekends, we all did things together....boating in the summer and snowmobiling, sledding in the winter and plain old just hanging out any other time. Oh!! I had forgotten to mention that Jamie's step dad, Craig, was school friends with my mom and dad and that is how Craig and Colleen ended up meeting. Sweet story all around, don't you think??
Jamie and I ended moving away from each other, me in Winfield and her in Westbank, along with our ages (teenagers!) friends, activities and all around busy lives. We would still see each other the odd time and of course our mom's would keep us updated on what each other was doing.
I don't recall the first time I met Dan, but I do remember liking him immediately! I do believe Dan and my relationship was in little bits and pieces, I mean we just sorta saw each other in short little bits. Until.....the planning of their wedding. Dan and I have probably spent the most time together since all of the planning began! When Jamie was in Arizona, Dan and I ended up chatting on the phone for quite awhile one night. He was so involved and I loved that!!
Dan did not need anymore reasons for me to like him, but he found another one! His patience.....and more importantly, his patience with Jamie. I had been helping Jamie, one evening, with decorating their styrofoam wedding cake. Well....let's just say we were struggling (there was red wine involved) and Dan stepped in and saved the day!! Along with alot of patience on his part. Thanks Dan, you make me appreciate my husband alot more. ( I did learn that night that Jamie and I are alot more alike than I ever knew!!)
A couple of years aback I was trying to explain my relationship with Jamie, to a friend. She is more than a friend, but not blood related, sister seemed just weird, so I came up with 'pseudo sister'. We have battled together, against each other and definitely loved one another like sisters. So that is what we are. Pseudo Sisters! (Funny name, I know, but I do think it suits us perfectly!)

Finally a look at the pictures!!

One of my favs!!!

Totally candid....

Beautiful ladies!!

Hansome men!!

Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your day!
I love you and wish you all the best in all the years to come.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Melissa and Trevor's Engagement

Melissa is my beautiful cousin and she is getting married!! Melissa is one of those amazing people that you just fall in love with. She comes from a really great family (remember she IS related to moi!) has good morals, values and is really easy to get along with. You can always count on Melissa to have fun!

Trevor is a guy I have only met a few times. I would have to say he is on the quieter side but definitely a nice guy. He is marrying into a family who talks a lot so, really he never has to say too much. I do know Trevor is not a fan of getting his picture taken but, with me and Melissa around, he seemed to relax a little and I think he even had a little fun!

See for yourself.

This is one of my absolute favs!!!

Thanks for being so fun!! I really look forward to Mexico!! Yippee!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Bodegas

 Two very handsome men by the names of Gorden and Chad are (drum roll, please!)......The Bodegas!

 I met Chad the day of this shoot and found him like able immediately. He is so warm and friendly and that smile! Infectious!! I feel like we will be friends forever.

Gord (as I have always known him) and I go way back. Way, w-a-y back. He used to come in to my work just about every night and buy his wonderful girlfriend, Yvonne, a scratch ticket. Yvonne, actually worked at a pub where I frequented from time to time (ha!) so I actually got to know the two of them quite well. They ended up having to move away and left me an envelope enclosed with a wedding photo, a beautiful note (which I still have) and some scratch tickets!!!
We had made an amazing connection and I was sad to see them go.

Lo and behold a few years is Gord..buying a lottery ticket! I think I said something like "Hey!! Your back!!" and I do believe he was shocked and replied something like "You remember me??"
A little while after that, I got engaged and found out that Gord can sing AND play guitar! Lucky me, I was the very first wedding he sang at and 3 out of 4 songs Gord sang, were his originals.

Gord is such a super guy. His energy, positivity and drive make you want to be around him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week....he makes you not need coffee!

Not only are The Bodegas good looking but they are an amazing band!! I am so HAVE to hear them!!

This makes me giggle!

Gorden James....


Can you tell who's shoes are who's??

You guys rock!! Literally!

Thanks so much, Bodegas!

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Deb Stone Band

Deb and I have worked together for....numerous years. She is one of those people that you cannot help but like! She is so friendly and outgoing and has the best sense of humour! She always has a joke ready and I have never heard the same one twice from her. As we were starting this shoot she was, yes you guessed it, telling another joke.

The Deb Stone Band consists of six members. Ed on keyboards, Jim on lead guitar, Ryan on bass (who is the very newest member and so new, he is not in the pics yet!), Janice on vocals, (can i say "on vocals"???) Yvonne on drums, (yes i said drums...that is so hot!!) and last but not least, Deb who is the lead singer.

This group was a pleasure to shoot. They were relaxed, easy going and so much fun!

This was a welcome challenge for me and to all of you in The Deb Stone Band, I thank you!

Having a little fun....

And...a little more fun.

I saved the very best for last. My favorite!!

The Deb Stone Band is hosting a gig at the Kelowna Community Center on Friday May 20th 2011. Tickets are $10 each and you can purchase those either at the door or by contacting Deb at:

Let's have a fun night out! Families welcome!