Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bednar Family

I have known Tyler and Chelsey for a few years, now. I first met them when they were looking for a wedding photographer in ....yikes!!....2008???!!
I always have a few key things that I remember about a wedding that I have shot. The two that stand out with Chelsey and Tyler is how flippin' HOT it was that day ( i think it was 40 degrees!!) and how big the wedding party was. Seven on each side!! Everyone was so great, though, I mean 40 degrees in tuxes and dresses??!! They were super troopers!!
Since then, Chelsey and Tyler have expanded their little family from two to four! They now have two beautiful girls named Madisyn and Jordyn. We had to do this shoot on the wonderful day of Christmas Eve, due to Tyler working out of town. Chelsey's Dad, so kindly lent us the use of his beautiful home with the most breathtaking view!!! He also is a huge Oiler's fan and one of the pictures below was taken just for him.

This family is so special to me. They always make me feel so welcome and loved!! Thanks Bednar Family!

Here is Madisyn!!

And baby Jordyn..


The amazing Bednar family!

Oh my!! This gives me the giggles!

Thanks again, Bednar family! You always make me smile.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amanda and Sean's Engagement

I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing Amanda for about 10 years. Our parents had become friends first and since we are both so close with our families, we did in no time, too!
Amanda is one of those friends you know you will have for life. She is so caring and calm and always knows what to say, when to say it and to give me a good kick in the butt, when it's needed.
She is definitely the more responsible one between the two of us. She has got the good head on her shoulders and will always make sure everyone is looked after. Me, on the other hand, a little more....wild, crazy, fly by the seat of my pants??!! Not that Amanda isn't like that, she is, just with a lot more responsibility attached to it. None-the-less, we have alot of fun together!!
A few years after we had first met, we found out we looked almost identical as babies!! Ironic?? I would say more like 'kindered spirits'.

Sean is a guy I have not really gotten to spend too much time with. I do know, though, that he has a fantastic sense of humour, treats Amanda like a queen (exactly like she deserves!) and has an immense amount of patience. When you see someone whom you love so truly, as good friends do, you want them to find someone that makes them whole. Sean is that person for Amanda. Yes, Sean, you have won me over and my approval!

Since Amanda and Sean don't live here, and want photos for invitations, we were under tight circumstances to get these photos done. They were going to be in town for only a few hours and so we needed to get these done. I will be honest with you....I have never had weather like this while doing a shoot and I have never done a shoot so quickly!! (like 10 minutes, quick!!) But....I am really happy with how they turned out!

Take a look and let me know what you think!

I think this is my favorite!!

Thanks for putting up with the wind, snow and cold!! I really look forward to taking pictures for your wedding. Love you guys!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Melissa and Trevor's Wedding

Wow!! It has been too long since I have blogged last. Whew! It has been an amazing busy, busy few months! For those of you who do not know, I work full time at an outside job, do the photography thing AND am a Mom to two beautiful kids. Kate is 4 and Scott who is 2. We are also expecting our 3rd baby in April. So....I like to think I have an excuse why it has been so long since I have blogged!!

During the last few busy months I have shot engagements, babies, families and a wedding. So please be patient with me as the next few weeks go on because there will be a mixture of everything.

On to the wedding in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!!

Since Melissa and Trevor were getting married at a destination wedding, the photographer was included, but they still asked me if I would mind taking photos as well. Of course I said yes!! If you don't remember from my previous post Melissa and Trevor's Engagement, Melissa is my cousin, so I was once again completely honored to have been asked.

Here are some of the photos....

Do you think this guy looks like a proud Dad?? I would say so.

The kiss....

Wonderful light!!



  Having a little fun!! ( I did steal this idea from another photographer.....amazing idea if-I-do-say-so-myself!)

Melissa and some yoga moves...just for all her Yogi friends!!

My Dad and my daughter Kate. AKA-Dancing Partner's.

There is just something about this picture....

Last but not least...Melissa's other love of her life. Her handsome nephew Tristan.

Thanks to Trevor and Melissa!! I had such an amazing time!!